Bi-Telecentric Lenses
The Moritex line of Bi-Telecentric Lenses include various configurations with varying mounts, resolution, and field of views. These lenses are often used in automotive applications surrounding measurement and inspection of cam shaft, engines, catalytic converters, and other auto parts; as well as inspection and assembly for electronic components.
Moritex Bi-Telecentric MTL
The Moritex Bi-Telecentric MTL series lenses feature a high resolution compatible with 3.5 μm/pixel sensors and C mount.
This series is ideal for inspections of electronic components, and measurement/inspection of high precision components.
IF 11mm Options
MTL-9011C-012 FOV: 90, 0.122 Magnification x, WD: 120mm
MTL-10011C-011 FOV: 100 0.110 Magnification x, WD: 220
MTL-12011C-009 FOV: 120 0.092 Magnification x, WD: 255
MTL-13511C-008 FOV: 135 0.081 Magnification x, WD: 260
MTL-15011C-007 FOV: 150 0.073 Magnification x, WD: 300
MTL-18011C-006 FOV: 180 0.061 Magnification x, WD: 350
MTL-19511C-006 FOV: 195 0.056 Magnification x, WD: 365
MTL-24011C-005 FOV: 240 0.046 Magnification x, WD: 375
MTL-26511C-004 FOV: 265 0.041 Magnification x, WD: 540
MTL-31011C-004 FOV: 310 0.035 Magnification x, WD: 470
The Moritex Bi-Telecentric MTL series lenses feature a high resolution compatible with 3.5 μm/pixel sensors and C mount.
This series is ideal for inspections of electronic components, and measurement/inspection of high precision components.
IF 18.5mm Options
MTL-3518C-053 FOV: 35, 0.527 Magnification x, WD: 95mm
MTL-4518C-041 FOV: 45, 0.410 Magnification x, WD: 110mm
MTL-5518C-034 FOV: 55, 0.335 Magnification x, WD: 135mm
MTL-6518C-029 FOV: 65, 0.285 Magnification x, WD: 135mm
MTL-8018C-023 FOV: 80, 0.228 Magnification x, WD: 165mm
MTL-9018C-021 FOV: 90, 0.206 Magnification x, WD: 120mm
MTL-10018C-019 FOV: 100, 0.185 Magnification x, WD: 220mm
MTL-12018C-015 FOV: 120, 0.154 Magnification x, WD: 255mm
MTL-13518C-014 FOV: 135, 0.137 Magnification x, WD: 260mm
MTL-15018C-012 FOV: 150, 0.123 Magnification x, WD: 300mm
MTL-18018C-010 FOV: 180, 0.103 Magnification x, WD: 350mm
MTL-19518C-009 FOV: 195, 0.095 Magnification x, WD: 365mm
MTL-24018C-008 FOV: 240, 0.077 Magnification x, WD: 375mm
MTL-26518C-007 FOV: 265, 0.070 Magnification x, WD: 540mm
MTL-31018C-006 FOV: 310, 0.060 Magnification x, WD: 470mm
The Moritex Bi-Telecentric MTL series lenses feature a high resolution compatible with 3.5 μm/pixel sensors and C mount.
This series is ideal for inspections of electronic components, and measurement/inspection of high precision components.
IF 23mm Options **P- Mount Lenses
MTL-3523P-066 FOV: 35, 0.655 Magnification x, WD:95
MTL-4523P-051 FOV: 45, 0.509 Magnification x, WD:110
MTL-5523P-042 FOV: 55, 0.417 Magnification x, WD:135
MTL-6523P-035 FOV: 65, 0.354 Magnification x, WD:135
MTL-8023P-029 FOV: 80, 0.284 Magnification x, WD:165
MTL-9023P-026 FOV: 90, 0.256 Magnification x, WD:120
MTL-10023P-023 FOV: 100, 0.230 Magnification x, WD:220
MTL-12023P-019 FOV: 120, 0.192 Magnification x, WD:255
MTL-13523P-017 FOV: 135, 0.170 Magnification x, WD:260
MTL-15023P-015 FOV: 150, 0.153 Magnification x, WD:300
MTL-18023P-013 FOV: 180, 0.128 Magnification x, WD:350
MTL-19523P-012 FOV: 195, 0.118 Magnification x, WD:365
MTL-24023P-010 FOV: 240, 0.096 Magnification x, WD:375
MTL-26523P-009 FOV: 265, 0.087 Magnification x, WD:540
MTL-31023P-007 FOV: 310, 0.074 Magnification x, WD:470
The Moritex Bi-Telecentric MTL series lenses feature a high resolution compatible with 3.5 μm/pixel sensors and C mount.
This series is ideal for inspections of electronic components, and measurement/inspection of high precision components.
IF 35mm Options **P- Mount Lenses
MTL-3535P-100 FOV:35 0.999 Magnification x, WD:95
MTL-4535P-078 FOV:45 0.776 Magnification x, WD:110
MTL-5535P-064 FOV:55 0.635 Magnification x, WD:135
MTL-6535P-054 FOV:65 0.540 Magnification x, WD:135
MTL-8035P-044 FOV:80 0.433 Magnification x, WD:165
MTL-9035P-039 FOV:90 0.390 Magnification x, WD:120
MTL-10035P-035 FOV:100 0.351 Magnification x, WD:220
MTL-12035P-029 FOV:120 0.292 Magnification x, WD:255
MTL-13535P-026 FOV:135 0.260 Magnification x, WD:260
MTL-15035P-023 FOV:150 0.233 Magnification x, WD:300
MTL-18035P-019 FOV:180 0.195 Magnification x, WD:350
MTL-19535P-018 FOV:195 0.180 Magnification x, WD:365
MTL-24035P-015 FOV:240 0.146 Magnification x, WD:375
MTL-26535P-013 FOV:265 0.132 Magnification x, WD:540
MTL-31035P-011 FOV:310 0.113 Magnification x, WD:470
The Moritex Bi-Telecentric MTL IF 43.5 series lenses feature a high resolution compatible with 5 μm/pixel sensors and M58 mount.
This series is ideal for inspections of electronic components, and measurement/inspection of high precision components.
IF 43.5mm Options **M58- Mount Lenses
MTL-3543M58-124 FOV:35 1.240 Magnification x, WD:95
MTL-4543M58-096 FOV:45, 0.964 Magnification x, WD:110
MTL-5543M58-079 FOV:55, 0.788 Magnification x, WD:135
MTL-6543M58-067 FOV:65, 0.670 Magnification x, WD:135
MTL-8043M58-054 FOV:80, 0.537 Magnification x, WD:165
MTL-9043M58-048 FOV:90, 0.484 Magnification x, WD:120
MTL-10043M58-044 FOV:100, 0.435 Magnification x, WD:220
MTL-12043M58-036 FOV:120, 0.362 Magnification x, WD:255
MTL-13543M58-032 FOV:135, 0.322 Magnification x, WD:260
MTL-15043M58-029 FOV:150, 0.290 Magnification x, WD:300
MTL-18043M58-024 FOV:180, 0.242 Magnification x, WD:350
MTL-19543M58-022 FOV:195, 0.223 Magnification x, WD:365
MTL-24043M58-018 FOV:240, 0.182 Magnification x, WD:375
MTL-26543M58-016 FOV:265, 0.164 Magnification x, WD:540
MTL-31043M58-014 FOV:310, 0.140 Magnification x, WD:470
The Moritex Bi-Telecentric MTL IF 57.3 series lenses feature a high resolution compatible with 5 μm/pixel sensors with V74 mount.
This series is ideal for inspections of electronic components, and measurement/inspection of high precision components.
IF 57.3mm Options **V74- Mount Lenses
MTL-3557V74-164 FOV:35, 1.636 Magnification x, WD:95
MTL-4557V74-127 FOV:45, 1.272 Magnification x, WD:110
MTL-5557V74-104 FOV:55, 1.040 Magnification x, WD:135
MTL-6557V74-088 FOV:65, 0.884 Magnification x, WD:135
MTL-8057V74-072 FOV:80, 0.709 Magnification x, WD:165
MTL-9057V74-064 FOV:90, 0.638 Magnification x, WD:120
MTL-10057V74-057 1FOV:100, 0.574 Magnification x, WD:220
MTL-12057V74-048 FOV:120, 0.478 Magnification x, WD:255
MTL-13557V74-043 FOV:135, 0.425 Magnification x, WD:260
MTL-15057V74-038 FOV:150, 0.382 Magnification x, WD:300
MTL-18057V74-032 FOV:180, 0.319 Magnification x, WD:350
MTL-19557V74-029 FOV:195, 0.294 Magnification x, WD:365
MTL-24057V74-024 FOV:240, 0.240 Magnification x, WD:375
MTL-26557V74-022 FOV:265, 0.216 Magnification x, WD:540
MTL-31057V74-019 FOV:310, 0.185 Magnification x, WD:470
The Moritex Bi-Telecentric MTL IF 82mm series lenses feature a high resolution compatible with 5 μm/pixel sensors with M95 mount.
This series is ideal for applications surrounding electronic components such as smartphone inspection and assembly, and measurement/inspection of high precision components such as automotive parts.
IF 82mm Options **M95- Mount Lenses
MTL-4582M95-182 45 1.840 110 M95
MTL-5582M95-149 55 1.505 135 M95
MTL-6582M95-126 65 1.279 135 M95
MTL-8082M95-103 80 1.026 165 M95
MTL-9082M95-091 90 0.923 120 M95
MTL-10082M95-082 100 0.831 220 M95
MTL-12082M95-068 120 0.692 255 M95
MTL-13582M95-061 135 0.615 260 M95
MTL-15082M95-055 150 0.553 300 M95
MTL-18082M95-046 180 0.462 350 M95
MTL-19582M95-042 195 0.426 365 M95
MTL-24082M95-034 240 0.347 375 M95
MTL-26582M95-031 265 0.313 540 M95
MTL-31082M95-026 310 0.268 470 M95