Sensor Glass Removal

in News

The systems and applications that machine vision cameras are installed in, differ significantly in scope, detail, and environment. Whether in autonomous vehicles, robotic arms, commercial drone surveillance, automation, microscopy, or industrial inspection, the desired outcome is the same. Vision systems must achieve optimal imagery to best serve the application’s function.

The process of achieving such optimal imagery sometimes goes beyond just finding the perfect camera, lens, filter, and lighting combination. Often advanced customization is required that alter the camera outside of its standard factory out-of-box design. We offer a wide range of custom services to serve these needs, but for our purposes here, we will solely discuss the custom service of sensor glass window removal, as it is one of our most popular requests.

Sensor glass window removal is, just as its name suggests, a removal of the window that protects the sensor of the camera. Cameras are manufactured with this window bonded in place so that the sensor is protected from all outside elements such as humidity, dust, dirt, and debris that might exist in the average vision system environment.


While this window is valuable and not a hindrance to the average vision application, in some cases removal of it is highly desirable. For instance, when using lasers, these sensor windows can cause interference, it can absorb and/or bounce back certain wavelengths. Another application might need to extend the useable spectral range in the UV and can do so by removal of the window. And still other applications need to reduce the optical path length or attach a filter to the camera without an increase of the optical path length.  So while the reasons for window removal might vary, the process and outcome are the same.


In some instances, where the camera is being used without its protective window, it may be exposed to elements and collect debris on its surface, making the images captured unusable and/or obstructed. The photo below shows one such example of a contaminated sensor. We offer sensor cleaning to eliminate this debris and renew the sensor to its original like-new conditions. Our technicians use a precise method to safely remove the debris with a polymer solution.

The Risks

While this procedure is common and has been performed hundreds of times, it is not without risk. Since specialized equipment is used to safely remove these glass windows that are bonded into place, there is a very small chance that the camera can be damaged in the process. This is rare, but as it is a possibility, I must point out the chance of its occurrence. Another aspect to note here, is that this procedure will void your manufacture warranty. The standard factory warranty from any manufacture typically stipulates that no modifications be made on the camera that remove it from its standard factory specifications. If you have any additional questions about these risks, please discuss them thoroughly with your sales technician.

The Next Step

If you are interested or have any questions remaining about the sensor glass removal process, or how it might benefit your system, please let us know. We are happy to clarify and discuss your options. Our engineers have extensive experience in this and always keep the health and condition of your camera in the highest priority.


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